Thursday, April 12, 2012

Learning Genre

Pick 2 articles and figure out there Genre. Opposite the Editorial = Op- Ed
First Article Playing the Violence Card
1.The point of this article is to inform and pursued people about the type of violence going on in todays country.
2. it takes the format of an news article, is not to long.
3. This is written from the point a view of one man but backed with lots of statements and seemed to be pretty good facts. Its written from third person point of view. The writer is trying to show that its not fair for people to be playing the race card in violent situation because most of the time its the same race who is causing them the pain.
5. It is an evidence piece, it is using different people to back up the points that he is making. He is not summarizing another article, he using new facts to prove is point.
6. He is trying to inform the public of what is going on in the community involving the different races and the violence that being delt with. Most time people try and blame other races for accident or crimes when in reality most the time its the same race as you.
the writer is using very educated language, larger words and good grammar.

Next Article

Can Privatization Kill?
1. An other informative piece, its purpose is to share its knowledge of the bad things that are going on with immigration and how things could be handle differently when handling people who you are escorting back to a country.
Its laid out in a clear and effective formate that makes it very efficent and easy to understand. He uses facts and a very firm voice to make it clear that he knows what he is talking about. Its an argument piece because he is trying to get his information across to people and make them understand.
Using facts and statistics. Journal piece

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