Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This paper is so difficult, because picking a community you belong to that relates to the over all conversation of social class, the american dream and the issue they face is more challenging that you would think. I don't really connect with any community that is facing social class issues or that is struggling to reach the American dream in a bad way unless I talk about the middle class and I don't want to thats to broad. So I picked a community with in Fresno State the NSCS which is an honor society for the most part that, I am hoping to learn about the different social classes with in it, how important education is and if it make a difference in there future and the ability to reach there American Dream.

The first sources I will be using is the official website of NSCS, I am hoping to get the basic history of when the group was created, who created it and what the purpose of the group was when it was first created. I also really hopping that it will shed some light on the racial break down of the group and the social classes that are influenced by the higher education needed, and the fee you have to pay to be a member.
-"NSCS exists to recognize and elevate high-achievers. We are dedicated to the ideals of Scholarship, Leadership and Service; ideals that are evident in every benefit and scholarship we offer." This is one of the quotes I am going to be using in my paper, bacause it shows that this communite values educationa dn hard work but that you don't have to be the top class to be successful becuase thats what scholoarships are for. I will be focusing on that.
"We encourage academic achievement, but also provide opportunities for members to develop leadership skills, positively change their campuses and communities, as well as prepare for future endeavors (internship, grad school, career)" This is the other line I found interesteing that is more than just grades its aboout producing a well roundedstudent and preparing them from there American Dream.

Now my other source is a personal interview with Heather Do she is the president of the Fresno State community of NSCS. She has a lot of insight to offer because she has been a member for a few years and can really describe what this community has to offer and how it help reach the American Dream.
" She mentions how it has helped her pay for her college tuition through scholarships, and now she doesn't have to worry about student debt after college". This is important because its putting her that much more closer to the American dream and she wont have to be in debt before she even starts life.
"Next she talks about how race and social class aren't a huge issue because the fee is only a one time thing unlike some other honor programs".

These two source will be very helpful in writing my paper about community success and the American Dream

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