Friday, March 2, 2012

Education Effects on Class

Chapter 6 in class matter has to do with how important college in today life style is and how people who are unable to attend college regret it and miss it their whole life. It talks about how a man who decided to drop out of college for a good job in a supper market does pretty good for himself his whole life yet still knows that his life could be so much better if he went to college and  had an higher education. IT also talks about how schools are not segregated by race or religion any more but by social class and how mostly upper income students are the ones attending college, while lower ones don't find it important or necessary. It also talks about the amount of education needed and how they think based on your class will determine how schools look at a students SAT scores.That just a overview of what the chapter is about it goes in to a lot more detail on how classes play a role in people life and how not choosing college is the wrong choice in today world. Now chapter 7 talks about how two older man lived a great life with out college and worked there way up there companies to have good jobs, until one day when they both lost there jobs and realized how important college had become.
Now when comparing things between these chapters like the education needed in social classes and mobility available there a lot alike, they both show that education is now more important than ever and that for mobility in today world college is not only recommended but needed.  The ways for social mobility back in the old day was working your up through a good company and today it was to be done through education, its almost impossible to do it that way now and for people who have are living life nervous of loosing there job.

1 comment:

  1. Remember that when you talk about material from a book, you need to give a little gist or summary of the chapter content so the audience (if they are not familiar) fan know what you are referring to.
