Wednesday, February 29, 2012


When I look at this picture I see a city with a bad part of town in it, a lower social class maybe or just a few angry people who are hurting from the economy who think its ok to tag the area. I also see nice cars so it has to have some money in the area. This is also representing the poorer class and how angry they are  that upper class  for receiving all the benefits of the government, in forms of bails out. 
When I seen this my stomach drops to think there are people who have to live this way. To be this desperate in life to not be able to have a house, or a job. What kind of American Dream is that. To be so bad off your lower than the poor class. There are so many guesses ow could make about they way these people live there life, if they choose to or if something happened in there life to but them in this situation. It says alto about our government how we just let this go on, how things can be this bad and we cant fix them. Is it the peoples fault of the communities fault for what happens to them? I notice that its mostly men in this picture so is that saying something, are mostly men homeless.
To me I see a business meeting with an pretty fair share of men mad women so that makes me feel good to see the different genders. That shows that its not still set in the ways of men having all the power and say in business. It also shows them all pretty equal . Not one is still at the head with more power of control. Now obviously someone is in charge but there not over using there power. It looks like an upper class group of highly educated people, all dressed very nice and they look like things are going okay. 

From looking at these different images I am able to see the difference in the classes and how social economic levels show in peoples lives more then they say they do. Its easy for people to ignore situations if they don't take the time to recognize them 


  1. For some reason your images aren't showing up!

  2. iam sorry do u want me to put more up or is it ok
