Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Writing about our Papers

Writing about our Papers 
Part 1 
What problem issue, conversation, is being responded to .What position are you talking, what will you be arguing suggesting. Is The American Dream still alive in our country, is it possible to reach this dream as a county or as an individual? What is the American Dream right now in our system? We have been talking about the different levels of classes in are system the poor the middle class and the upper class, does belonging to one of these levels effect you reaching the American dream, is it possible to move from one class to the next. These are the ideas I will be talking about and discussing the challenges that prevents people from moving out of classes and reaching the American Dream. I might even suggest some ways to make it possible for people to reach there dream, and embrace their obstacles. 
Part 2 
What are other saying about this? What have we been seeing in our research reading, What are your intention as a writer, what do you want to accomplish with this paper, What are the task you will need to do? For the most part we have been talking about how unfair the system we in America have and that to be successful you have to have lots of money and power, now I don’t agree that in the big picture we have to have lots of money to reach our Dream. In the readings there is a clear line that the classes effect people and that classes do exists in our system and they play a bigger role in choosing our path than we think. My goal of this paper is to show people what the American Dream should be thought more as a guild line than the actual dream and how each class faces these own set of obstacles that keeps them from climbing up the ladder to obtain there Dream. I want to inform people of this idea of how to set goals for themselves that are more realistic than the American dream but till allow them to reach for the stars. First I will need to look up people different views of what the American Dream is, and what it means to them. See if there whiling to reshape it into a more obtainable goal. Then I will need to look up the different classes and see what the main obstacles that prevent each class from moving up to the next. These will all be the main concepts behind my paper. 
Part 3 
What is at stake with the problem or issue, what will happen if we don’t change something or pay attention to the issue or problem? What do people saying is going to happen? People happiness along with their well being is at stake if nothing changes in the next few years. Our Country is going deeper and deeper into debt because people are either trying to live a richer life than they can afford of people are being greedy with their money and not helping out the people at the bottom that are working hard yet still not able to pull there own weight. By being able to understand all the classes and what there dreams are we will than be able to see why they do what they do in terms of spending. One person said that its becoming the rich and the rest and that everyone is blurring together in a poor economy except the top 1%. People are concerned with how the country is dealing with the suffering people and helping them out. 

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