Thursday, February 16, 2012

First Part, still needs a lot of work.

The American Dream as a Guild Line
Each day that we ignore the economic struggles people are facing, we widening the gap between the classes and are putting more obstacles in the way of the ladder to success. Is this behavior leading to the end of the American Dream as people imagine it, or is our country able to reform the dream and continuing to progress in a forward motion. I am going to be arguing that even though are social classes are growing farther part and people are struggling to move from one class to the next, their dream for mobility is still alive and strong, just different then the original Dream. My goal for this paper is to show people what the American Dream should be thought more as a guild line than the actual dream and how each class faces there own set of obstacles that prevents them from climbing up the ladder to obtain the American Dream. Using the book Class Matter by Bill Killer and a few scholarly journals I will evaluate the traditional American Dream and what it has offered people, the different social classes along with there obstacles and how they can use this idea of the American Dream as a guild line to reach social mobility. 
Every individual has a different idea of what the American Dream means to them, how it will effect their life, and if it will pay a significant roll in who they become. When you hear people talk about the American Dream what comes to mind, do you think about money, freedom or being able to reach your highest goals. One individuals idea of the American Dream was mentioned over fifty years ago by a man named James Truslow Adams, who had a more general idea in mind. He wrote, “Its that dream of a land which life should be better and richer, fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability and achievement, regardless of social class or circumstance of birth” (Brandon King). What I believe Mr. Adams goal was in created this American Dream was to give people hope who came to this country to escape their situation in their home land that good could come to them. That they didn’t have to be born here to be successful and everyone has the equal opportunity in America to be whoever they want to be and are not defined by the family they are born into, or raised by. Now in today social hard times he reformed it, “To be successful means to have a steady job, financial security, a place to live and people in your life who love you, if you have claimed all that then you reached the American Dream”( Brandon King). By redefining this idea he has set guild lines for every individual to strive to live up to yet still achievable by most people so they don’t lose faith in the Dream and continue to climb up the ladder. 
Skeptics View: 
What makes the American Dream such a big deal and powerful is that no matter how much are country is in denial we have to face the fact that we are divided by classes; we have the lower class, the middle class and the upper class and what this means is based on the amount of money you make and the education you have you live a different life style than others. The point of the American Dream is to make it possible for people to climb up the ladder of success and move out of their class with hard work and perseverance, but whats happening in today society is the obstacles are to overwhelming for people to succeed so they are just giving up on the dream. Rather instead of giving up on the Dream lets find out whats standing in there way and try and help them over come it. 
Missing parts. 
Counter arguments 
My solution to the problem
Showing how to use the American Dream as an outline

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