Thursday, February 2, 2012

Prompt 1 Question

Victoria Stark 
English 5B 
Mrs. Hensley 
February 3, 2012
The Ladder to Success
Before we can talk about the ladder to success we must first clarify what it means in terms of the American people to be successful and why there is this idea of a ladder involved in the process. There is no set meaning for what it means to be successful, most people have come to the conclusion that it has to do with how much money you have, the power you hold, and if you have loved ones to share it with. This idea could be different for every person, but lets go with that for the over all American population this is what it means to be successful here in America. Now what is this ladder that was mentioned; it’s what it takes to get to the top and reach the ultimate American Dream, to have it all. To be able to claim all the money, the power, and hopefully all the loved ones you want, the problem is this ladder is not easy to clime. Its has many steps and each step presents its own difficulties, some may never be able to reach the top and claim the ultimate American Dream, while others will just excel right up the ladder. Why is that you ask; there are many reason but most believe its due to the class you fall into and not being able to progress out of that class liked plan due to the difficulties it presents. The big question here is, is this ladder to success even possible to clime to reach the ultimate American Dream or has the country put to many obstacles in the peoples way?
Most people come to America as poor families looking for a place to start over where opportunities may present themselves and bels them with a better life. They come here dreaming of a happier life for their families where they wont be persecuted and forced to live an unfair life ultimately reaching that American Dream they have been hearing about. The only problems with this situation is they are starting at the bottom of the ladder and it’s a long and challenging clime up. Most wont make it due to the education needed, the money needed to get them there and the unfair disadvantages they face like the area they live in, the healthcare the receive and the many obstacles standing in there way. Now there are a few exceptions some people may be blest with receiving a great education and is able to work hard and make it to the top, others might marry into money, and there is those lucky few who win it. While the rest of us maybe able to move a few notches up the social classes but will never reach the top of the ladder. 
Moving up the ladder is all about who you know and what you have to offer other people. People can work there lives away doing important needed jobs and still live their whole life in poverty never being able to reach the ultimate American Dream, that doesn’t mean they haven’t reached their own personal dreams. Our Country as a whole might have to high of standards of this ultimate American Dream and that maybe why its so hard to reach. Not everyone can be at the top because then who would be working the bottom do all the things that people at the top think there to good for. Here’s an idea what if we broke the ladder to success it to different parts and when you reach the top of your part than you can call your self an successful American. 
This idea that you have to be rich with power to be happy and have the ultimate American Dream is just crazy there is know way that every American can clime up the ladder of success and reach the very top, our country is not built for that but we can  break the ladder into parts and each class can have its own top and if you reach that then you can call yourself successful and if you want to go even higher there nothing stoping you just more obstacles to go through. 


  1. So ultimately you think that the idea of the American Dream only works if you don't look at it as being any one thing--but even then it can be very difficult for some people versus for others, right? Will you be exploring some of these obstacles to success in your longer paper, then?

  2. ya that is my plan i just ran out of space to write about it in the small paper, my idea is that we have to high of set overall goals that if we lower them for each group to a reasonable level they will be able to achieve them.
