Monday, January 30, 2012

A Marriage of Unequals.

Chapter 3 Class Matters
   After reading this chapter I feel more positive about being able to create bonds with different classes, that as long as you know that there is a difference in your classes and the amount of money you make and the education you have than you should be able to handle the difficulties. Each situation and person will be different, this chapter happens to deal with a luck couple who was able to handle the difference in how the were raised and lived life. The women came from a rich family and lots of money, while the man came from a poorer family, couldn't hold a job and didn't have a very good education. Though these two new they had very different lives the man was okay with the women having more power and money. She was very generous with her money pay his bills and putting him through some school. Over all they figured out how to live life together, they went to a concealing group to talk to other people about it, they viewed that helped a little. All in all the kids new there was a difference in the way they were each brought up but they were ok with t and handled it right.
I would say this chapter appeals mostly to my pathos which are my emotions because it relates to how people work together and how this rich women is able to give to people who are more needy she is and this man is able to be in relationship with a women who is more powerful than him with out feeling less of a man or let it rune there relationship. Its shows that class shouldn't be as big as a threat as people make it, it all depends on the people and if they can handle the changes and concepts it brings.
How and why money can complicate relationships, is an important thing to understand. This chapter mentions how the man doesn't want to sound like a gold digger, and how his kids were raised differently, and how he was nervous when the family met, how they would act towards each other. These are all important parts in why money can complicate things,  but if you know how to work through them and not let the families meeting bug you, or how the other person kids were raised, and your okay with sharing the rich persons money then everything will work out.
I found it most interesting as i was reading how easily they seem to make it work out, and how the women was so giving with her money and how the man was okay with taking it. Most men i know wouldn't be able to take money from the women with out feeling like less of a man, and defiantly not admit the women had the power in the house. The was very up to date with the times but not very realistic sounding, I still believe there would be more challenges.

Would most guys be that excepting of the women having all the power and money in the house hold?

If every relationship between mixed classes worked that good, it would make sense to mix classes more often?

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