Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Shadowy Lines that Still Divide

    The assignment was to read chapter 1 in are new book Class Matters which deals with different social, economic and political classes. This chapter talked about how the rules of Advancement have changed and its either harder or easier for people to move up the rungs of the ladder. What I got out of the reading was that classes have split from the original three into multiple smaller groups that are more blurred and harder to identify. From reading this chapter it's hard to get a clear understanding of what people views are some believe that its still possible to move up the social later at that most of them have moved up from the class they were born in yet lots still believe that its unobtainable. That even with lots of hard work and dedication there is still a barrier standing in there way.
        Some may wonder who have read the first chapter why they start out listing the way the classes you to be in American then move into talk about how blurred and distorted they have become. I think its a good way to start it allows us to see how the country used to be divided in terms of class ranking and then it talks about how we are trying to shift into a new direction which many not be working in the best possible way but its allowing people to feel like there reaching there goals even if there not securely there.
    In connecting this to what we have been talking about with the American Dream and what it means to are society or the individual i would say what part of the ladder you are on would have a huge impact on your goals and dreams. If your someone who believes that depending on what class, religion, lifestyle, culture and so much more defines your ability to reach your American dream than if your in the lower section of the ladder who knows if you will ever be able to get to the top of the ladder. Its about believing in what this country has to offer you as an individual not the class you are a part of. If your American Dream is to become famous than you just got to have the skills and the right contacts it don't matter if your poor or not, or if you want to be a college graduate work your but of for good grades and get a part time job in high school to help pay the loans. There always a way to make your dream come true just have to work harder the lower you are on the ladder cause there more steps to take. But the Dream will taste that much better.
   The inequality plays a huge role in how American view there lives, being born in he elite in america is a privileges most don't ever get to experience, yet being born poor is a disadvantage unlike anything in Europe and Asia. ( Class Matters 14)This show how unequal are country is right now and that something need to be done to close the gap that continues to increase.
    When i was reading this all i could picture was rich people sitting in the house or on the boats while poor kids play out side in the dirt and mud while there parents work double shift the factory or fields. How even tho they have little chance they work there but off to try to do better for there kids. All i know is that we need to find away to fix the system, it to much in the past for your new way of fast past life. We want everything when we want it and fast. We need to be able to mobile and active in life.

What would happen if we just allowed all immigrants to move to America and become legal that way they pay taxes and help out with other finical things?

How would society change if we didn't look at people based on class ranking or financial success?

Dose have the opportunities to become rich make people work harder in America?


  1. How do you think we could fix the system? As a citizen, it is good to see where you stand and the ideas you have about this, as participating in the democratic process can hopefully result in change if enough people want it.

  2. I am not sure how the system could fix these class separations because they way i see it, is its not really fair to take a lot from the rich because they worked hard and acted smart to get to that point why should they pay more or do more for this country than the rest of us. Now they should pay equal taxes as we do so if the have $100 the should pay 10% and if we have $ 10 we should pay 1% that way the amount for what we make is fair. But what not fair is rich people can afford the best of the best and the poor get the best for free because the government feels sorry for them, while the middle class gets nothing buts lots of bills and taxes. The only way to fix this is either make everyone pay for medical and stuff equally or they should all equally get it free. We have to keep things fair for everyone who works and does there pat. If someone works more hours and works harder they should get more than someone who didn't. The poor are either poor because thats all they know how to be or something bad has happened in there life and the government should be there to help for a little bit but we cant hold there hands for ever. Even after all that rambling i still don't have a solution for the government to fix the separation. I feel like its something that just cant be fixed.
