Saturday, January 28, 2012

Life at the top in America

Chapter 2
This chapter is about how the different class relate to the type of health care the people receive. Everyone knows that money relates to what people can afford in life so what would make health care any different. The chapter talks about three different people belonging to different  classes upper middle, middle class and the working class and how there lives were changed differently the day they each had an heart attack. It talked about how if you have money and education you are less likely to die from disease or heart attack then someone with less money and education. They also state that the gap is increasing between these classes instead of decreasing.  With out going into to much detail about the chapter the upper middle class man received top of the line treatment form one of the best hospitals and was fine within two days. The middle class man, picked a crappy hospital that couldn't offer him what he needed, so a few days later he was transferred to a different hospital. He doing okay but not as well as the richer man due to not getting all the surgeries he needed. Now the lower class woman spent two weeks in the hospital after her heart attack and received minimal treatment no surgery and more problems arose after the heart attack. This just shows how classes affect the kinda health treatment people receive.
     Its sad to think that wealth determine the types of treatment people receive even in life and death situations. People of the lower class don't have the connections to the proper facilities and doctors to help push them through the system, also they don't have they money to afford the cost of the hospital bills. Its sad that when someone sick they have to think about being able to afford the ambulance bill rather than just calling 911. Class place a huge roll in everything we do in this world and the more education you have the more money so the better off you are.
    When reading this I feel sorry for the people in the lower class the tone of the chapter is a informative but sad tone that sounds like the author feels sorry for what he is writing. He is trying to reach out to the public and inform them of what is going on in the world and that class really does matter.

1. How can we fix this class separation to stop growing, and make it fare for the rich and the poor?
2. If we make it fair for the poor, how do we not take advantage of the rich?


  1. What are some of the larger issues this chapter opens up for you?

  2. This chapter just shows me that there are people out there that because of the eduction they have there not smart enough to get the medical help they need. I don't feel that is American fault as a whole though we provide plenty of chances for people who are of the working class they just have to take them. Yes is it unfair that because of this girls low economic status she suffer health problems but as she said she is just happy to be in America. the issue i see here is that money gives certain people advantages and there is really know way of fixing it.
