Friday, January 20, 2012

Today is a new day full of excitement and adventure and here in America we can do anything we put are minds too. Its call the American Dream and that is why so many people move to America in time of need and suffering in there home lands. Part of the American Dream is risking every thing to become free and reach your highest goal. I know that people all over the world struggle to come here and be happy with the options to make there own choice and not be afraid to live. Here in America we have many opportunities to be successful, we have a free public education system for children, we have the option to go to college and become anything we want to be in life. The government offers many financial aid programs that allow families to be successful in life so they don't fall to much under the poverty line. These are just some of the many great opportunities the government offers to help people reach the American Dream. Know my American Dream is to be able to live a life of happiness which to me means have a family who loves me, food on my table at night a nice house to live in and a job i love going to every morning. I share this Dream with many others who come here just to experience a better life.


  1. Yes it does seem that the American Dream is more of a personal thing, that is really quite different for everyone. You did, however, forget to talk about this idea of success in America.

    Also, I wonder, does the government always provide for those who need? We have an alarming amount of people who have slipped way below the poverty line, and there just isn't enough being done to help them--should we do more for our society?

  2. This Idea of success is to be able to have that chance to be happy and live the life you couldn't anywhere eles in the world. To be successful all you have to have is love, good healthy and a dream to follow.
    I think we are doing as much as we can for the people who are hurting, we are trying to get them jobs we offer welfare to those in great need but maybe we should rethink who gets welfare to save money and redirect it in more useful ways.
