Monday, January 23, 2012

The American Dream

Today in class we talked about the American Dream some more and how right now our country is partaking in the occupy movement as a way to stand up for what they believe this county stands for and what needs to be changed to get us back on track. After reading Inequality and the American Dream it got me think just how bad some people might have it and how our government should be doing more to help out. To answer the questions.
2. I think when writing its important to get both ideas or points across at the begging of the piece it allows the readers to know what there getting into and what going to be discussed later on. By Talking about what good things America offers us it let the people know that the economist weren't just pointing out all the negative effect and remembered what good things our County has to offer. Then it jumped into the parts that are county are failing in right know and leaving us hurt.
4. In this book there stating that our society not messed up if it has three parts
      1. Society as a whole is getting richer.
      2. There is a safety net for the very poor.
     3. Everybody regardless of race, creed, sex has an opportunity to clim up the system
I disagree with this, yes these three things are very important, and my people come to American because it gives them a start to living a better life, but it doesn't make our county an less corrupt.  One of are biggest problems is how the rich say rich and the poor stay poor when there both working equally hard and equally important jobs, yet rich are continuing to make money and send there kids to college while the poor is loosing the jobs, they homes and cant afford to send this kids to school, just like they couldn't in any other county. How is it fair that because someone is born rich they get a better opportunity in life to be successful because of what there patents can offer them, vers a poor kid who's family worked 60 hour weeks lives in a bad neighborhood is just as smart as the white kid has very limited opportunities to every become rich and if he does he is one out of a hundred. Yes those three things are important but there not all that matters to make out county better. There more to the American Dream than just those.

Know for my own questions:
1.In what way could be make the welfare system a more fair and useful tool for people who really need it to live the dream vers people who are just to lazy to try and use the system in a selfish way?
2. What are better ways to fix they system then to take money from education? Are there other places that people would be whiling to give it up?
3.How can we turn being part of the middle class back into a good thing instead of always being cheated out of everything? They pay the most taxes, they pay highest tuitions in school and they work the strangest jobs.?


  1. But don't you think that those three things--by paying attention to them and making sure they are fulfilled--can result in America being a better place and allow Americans to be more successful as a whole? The dream hinges on the idea that the poor won't always stay poor, but will be able to survive and be stable, even if they don't make as much as the next guy.

  2. You would think that these things wold help but they have been in place for years and yet we still are in this bad ecenomic time that is hurting everyone but the rich. Those three things sound good on paper and in thesis but when you put them to work they don't have the turn out people are hoping for. How do you expect the poor to move up if they cant find jobs, cant afford college and are lossing there homes as we speak. I stand by my first statement.
