Monday, February 13, 2012

New Articles

3 News Articles that have to do with what we have been talking about in class and how they relate to the overall conversation.
1. One of the main things we have been talking about is health care and how it effects the social classes and what things we can do to change it or help it progress. Well i found from New York Times that as of february Obama made it where colleges have to offer birth control to women free of charge. Now the big problem here is that its against some schools religions like catholic schools don't want to have to partake in it. The article also talks about the health care reform that was passed in 2010 that allowed lower and middle class families to be able to receive help with there insurance.  This information could be helpful in showing how health care is not equal for all but that its not always a good thing to that people try to make everything equal.

2. This article is about the taxes and people wanting to taxes people who make over a million dollars to help decrease the taxes the middle class is pay to close the deficit. For millionaires to pay the 10-month extension of the payroll tax credit. The republicans are not for this though while the demarcates are using it because they believe that the rich should pay for everything.  This also relates to the gap in the classes and how each class view each other, the lower class wants the rich to pay for everything and the rich doesn't want to, so the middle class gets stuck paying the heavy taxes which is one of the down falls of being in the middle class and is defiantly one of there obstacles they face in reaching the American Dream.

3. This next article is about how the college tuition have been increasing hugely in the last few years. The problem with this happening is education is an important part of the American Dream and with out people being able to afford college there chances to be successful will go down and they will have a harder time reaching the american dream. The tuitions are obstacles in the way of the middle classes who make to much to get financial aid but not enough to afford the increased cost.  I will be using tuition as one of the obstacles that stand in the way of people reaching there american dream.


  1. Do you think you will use one of these news articles that you found as evidence for your argument about the challenges that prevent people from moving out of classes and reaching the American Dream?

  2. Are you for the solutions for health care and are you going to use them?

  3. One of the major issues with your article one is that...religious institutions often have other, more public-service oriented, money-making arms (like hospitals and schools). These hospitals and schools allow people who are not Catholic to work there and to attend school there--so these kinds of places can't force Catholic religious beliefs on employees and students by refusing to allow them birth control for religious reasons.

    It's kind of complicated!
