Saturday, February 4, 2012

Evaluating Sources

Evaluating Sources
After reading through chapter 6 in one of are helpful books it just refreshed my memory on what different kinda sources are out there and the test you got to put each one through. Just because something is published doesn't mean that is a good piece of information to use in an important piece of work. The 3 most reliable sources are scholarly journals  either prints or databases on line, creditable internet cites and news papers. I believe after reading that these are the best sources because they allow the most credible people to access them, also they are up to date for the most part depending on what the purpose of the piece is and they can be a mixture of primary and secondary sources. Depending on the information you are hoping to agin for the source will depend on which one you use, how you use it and how it will benefit you. When using a scholarly journal you are getting top of the line information on a specific topic for a professional in that area so they information can be primary or secondary and is the most accurate you can get depending on who wrote, and at what university it was written. It can also be good to use the internet to get more down to hearth information or more people friendly info that people can understand better and are more aware of, as long as internet cite has a credible author and sounds good it will be a great source. It can be helpful with getting numbers and dates that can be hard to find in journals. Now news papers can be beneficial in finding the most up today information and statistics along with graphs and charts you just have to be careful which news paper you use and maybe double check some on the information. All three of these sources can be great tools for finding information as long as you look for a credible author and good references. When it comes to finding good sources it just takes some time and skimming to make sure its helpful.
    For my project I will be writing about how in America we have this ladder to success which is a metaphor for people moving up the different economic class and reaching the top along with the American Dream. Now I am going to be talking about the obstacles that America as a country has put in the way of the ladder and how maybe there is a better solution than the ladder. So sources I might use maybe a scholarly journal on how the government divides the classes, or the economic levels of the country. I could also use a internet cite to find the statistics for how many people are in each class and how many actually move from the bottom all the way to the top, and how many stay at the same level. These would both be very helpful in proving my points and find be good credible information, to convince my readers in an logical way and an emotional way.

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