Saturday, February 11, 2012


Annotated Bibliography 
Keller, Bill. Class Matters. New York (N.Y.): Times, 2005. Print.

Class Matters is a great tool to use in my paper about the social classes and being able to reach the American Dream. Ever chapter has been useful in helping me understand the growing gap between rich the middle and the poor classes and how they effect peoples lives. The first chapter just talks about the different classes in general and about the system. The second chapter helps us see how belonging to the different classes affects the medical treatment you receive and the way you are treated as a person. The higher up you are the better care you get and the healthy you are, while the low class is struggling to even get a little medical help. Now the third chapter is about how a rich girl marries a middle class man, and how the different classes are able to live together in a working house hold while working through these difference. The fourth chapter I found interesting to see how a girl who was raised very poor got the chance to move up to the middle class and was given a good education and able to succeed with a great job and support her self, she still didn’t feel like she belong in the middle class. This book will be a great help in showing examples how how classes and growing apart. 
King, Brandon. "The American Dream, Dead, Alive or on Hold?" "They Say/I Say": The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing : With Readings. Ed. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russel K. Durst. New York: W.W. Norton &, 2009. 572-79. Print.
This is from the article you handed out in class, I found this piece of writing very helpful in forming some of my ideas and using the evidence to support what I am trying to get across. The article did a great job of laying out what the traditional American Dream used to be and how he thinks it has revolved to fit today society in a more realistic form, in stead of just assuming it has disappeared all together. He also talk about how he thinks the economy should be saved by not increasing taxes but by allowing the rich to keep there money so there more whiling to spend it and help increase spending in the economy and it will give them more of a reason to higher more workers. Now I am not sure it I totally agree that not raising the rich taxes is he most effective way but he makes it sound like a good plan. I just need to do some more research on the topic.
Peck, Don. "Can The Middle Class Be Saved? (Cover Story)." Atlantic Monthly (10727825) 308.2 (2011): 60-78. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Feb. 2012.
This article is a scholarly journal so its a bit more sophisticated than the other two source I have been talking about but I feel it could be very helpful with making my point through the next paper. It talks about the recession that has hit back in 2007-2009 and how hard it hit the middle class and how it compares to other times when the economy was like this. It also talks about how having a high school diploma is not enough any more that to be successful a college degree is going to make you more successful in the long run. It also talks alto about wages increasing the how the classes were effected by the big recession. 
"Saving The American Idea." Vital Speeches Of The Day 77.12 (2011): 431-435. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Feb. 2012.
This source is also a scholarly journal that has to do with the American Dream and if its still available based on the economic stance America is in today. The founding fathers had this idea of an Dream that Americans should strive for that would make them feel like there able to live there own life. We are in tough times and sometimes we take equality and liberty for grantee. 

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