Monday, February 27, 2012

The Revising Process

When it comes to writing a paper I never no what to say, I always get carried away with words and the  meaning gets lost inside my hug paragraphs and long sentences. Thats why I look forward to peer editing. A chance for someone else to read my paper and find the meaning in it, and can let me now what i need to cute out. The only problem with that plan is it never works that way. I have never had a useful peer editing session. Every always reads the papers and says yea you could fix one or two things but its pretty good. When in reality its horrible and so much needs to be fixed. I don't know if this is because our classmates are scared of hurting our feelings or if they really don't no what to look for when fixing our papers. I will say i do like the more about because it allows us to see what are classmates what to know more about and what we are missing. By seeing what is missing allows me to focus more on what is needed other than some other idea I could be distracted by. Over all i feel like i get the best reflection for the teacher, I just don't feel like the peer reviews give me enough to fix, or change to make my paper an A paper.

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