Monday, February 27, 2012

Class Backgroound

In the Land of the Free everyone has this different idea of what the American Dream means and how it should be achieved. Not only is the American Dream a big part of who you becoming, your class background also play a huge role in the values you form and the person you turn out to be. For many it may be a challenge to place your family in a certain class, but I would defiantly say mines in the middle of the middle class. We where by far not the wealthiest family in the neighborhood, but we never had to worry about having food on the table at night. I believe that where you go in life depends all on how you grew up and what you learned from your family. I don’t really know to much about my moms family besides that they were not very well educated, I think my aunt was there first one to go to college on that side of the family. Than there’s my dad’s family, they have been In America for 7 generations now and with each generation they move up the social ladder. I believe my dad’s side of the family the Starks, were for the most part always a member of the middle class. Which presented them with the opportunities to go to college and better there life with a good education. My Dad comes from a family of six children and he is the only one who didn’t go to college, and I know that he regrets that choice everyday of his life. In My family education is very important to us, its how you make a life for yourself where you can be comfortable for the most part. Growing up in the middle class has showed me many of things I have experienced both the lower class and the upper class and seen how different there lives are just because of the class they live in. Being from a middle class background I feel I learned they most valuable skills. I was taught from the day I was born, that to get anywhere in  life you have to work hard and hustle. I was lucky enough to be given the necessary tools in life to succeed I just had to be smart enough to use them and I did. My parents valued the idea of eduction and doing well in school, along with always trying my best even if it wasn’t good enough, they also instilled honesty and trust in me. I would have to say I was given a great opportunity growing up that when it was happening I didn’t see it that way, but not that I am reflecting back on it, I see it has really shaped who I am as a person. I was able to grow up in a middle class family, living in a lower class neighborhood, that showed me how the others sides lives and how lucky I am to be born a member of the middle class. By growing up with kids from the lower class it opened my eyes to how they live and what they go through, the struggles they face, and how they behave. It taught me how to act around them and handle my self in situations out side of my comfort zone. My life would defiantly be different if I grew up in a different class. 


  1. When did you first realize your class, compared to others around you?

  2. I think it was about 5th grade when i became best friends with a girl in my class Angelina and she would come over all the time and just mention how lucky i was for what i had.
