Monday, March 12, 2012

Project 2 ideas

Project 2 Brainstorming
1. I have two ideas of what I am think about doing my paper on, the deciding factors will be  which one will provide the most information and be the most interesting to write about. 
  1. My first idea is to write about Fresno State, as a community. It provides plenty  of thing to discuses, like the class make up of the school based on how many kids are financial aid verse having to pay tuition, or there the values that make up college students and how they all equally value the idea of education and success. For success we could talk about the amount of kids who graduate with honor, regular or faster or slower than others, there so many things that makes this community different from others. 
 B. Or I am thinking about a much narrower community, my only fear is not having enough to say about them, I would have to talk about the idea in general and than focus more on the specific group of the community. I was thinking about writing about The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, I am currently a member of this group here at fresno state, but its not only here at Fresno State, all college offer it is on a National level. I was thinking though that to be a member you have to get really good grades witch puts you in a certain community that other students at your school, you either value education more, or are more dedicated to school. I am going to find out if class, race or religion play a roll in who is a member of the community or if its a wide mixture of all. I am predicting its going to be mostly upper middle class because there is a small fee you have to pay, but I that might not play a roll at all. 
These communities both value you a lot of the same thing, hard work, education, success and reaching your goals to the best of your ability the second option just might be a little more focused or dedicated on all these topic. 
2. For Fresno State I would say it has a features that resembles the lower class and the middle class, I would guess at this moment that it has few participant from the upper class due to it only being a state school and its location kind hurts it. It has a wide range of race and religions among the students, Mexican, Asian, African American, Caucasian, Middle Eastern, and much more all In different presents of course. Were a group in the fact that were a organized institution of people all after the same goal, to receive a higher education. What makes Fresno state different from others groups is location it gets a lot of students form different towns but yet all still pretty local. If I looked it up I would guess it would say most student are from the surrounding towns, not from out of state. It has a wide mixture of cultures and different people unlike church communities might have, or specific races or organizations. The member all face the same struggles of being classified as a college student and being lazy or poor. 
  1. The same goes for the National Society of Collegiate Scholars it has a the mostly the same aspects as Fresno State does, they might just be more narrow because it a more specific classify group there requirement to be a part of it, and the results of its member could demonstrate a change in class, race or religion.
3. I am interested in Fresno State because I am a member of this community and the results will be interesting to no, that if social class effects the kinda school this is, and if were better for it or worse off for it. 
  1. Along whit the NSCS this is a very specific group I belong to and aim interested to find out the social class background, the race ratio and how all those things effect the way the program runs. 
4. I would say both my communities are focused on the success rate of how well there member do and where there able to get in the world, determine how well the communities functions. To be successful I think they would say graduate will the highest GPA you can, the most connections and the best experience to pre-pair you for the real world. There barriers would consist of money, budget cutes, class cutes, temptation that take them away from studying. There ability to make to graduation. 

5. For Fresno state I need to find out more about the college and its student population, the percent of races, amount of students on financial aid. The graduation rate, how many kids graduate with honors, or two degrees, how many kids come from out of state.   I need to figure out what success means to college student.
  1. Than for the NSCS, I need to find out the amount of students at fresno state belong to it, the race ratio, class ratio, finical aide ratio. Than I also want to compare that to the nation records and see if location has an effect of the records. Maybe see what fresno class background is to compare that. I also need to find the average grade point average and see how there success rate out of college is. 
This is my basic idea for my project two I just have to decide which group to do, your opinion would be very helpful. 

1 comment:

  1. I think you should tey to do something with the NSCS. That might be a group that your classmates are less familiar with, so it might be something cool to inform about. If you can connect it to the larger class conversation, then great! There are clearly things this community values—especially education. That's a big unifier there, and there has ro be a reason they value this. Is it linked to success?
