Sunday, March 18, 2012

Annotated bibliography

So in the last post I couldn't decide if i wanted to write about fresno state as a community or the NSCS and after thinking about it I am going to try and challange myself and write about the NSCS. My goal for this paper is to see what this community is made up of. Let it be the upper class, the middle class the lower class or a mix of all and most focused on the highly educated and hard workers. I want to point out that the value of education not based on race, social class or religion is what makes the American dream come true and that this community its separated based on this dividers.
This is the official website for NSCS, and I believe it will be able to offer me great dealt of what the history of the organization is about, and so important facts on it. I also find that it will be able to introduce to me all the member here at fresno state and also around the country at other schools. This will allow me to see the difference races and and maybe social class of the type of people that belong to this group. I am so hopping to find what the group values most and how it will help people reach there American Dream.

Personal Interview with the Chapter president here at fresno state. (Chapter President Heather Donat
By talk to her and meeting up with some of the different members I will be able to get there take on the whole aspect of the group and what it has to offer its members. I will be trying to find out why people join the group?, how being a member is helpful in reaching the american dream and if different classes effect this group or if its a mixture of every thing. I am also hoping to find out if the different locations are connected or if its  a solo thing.
This is an article that talks about how in general social class and effect education starting in the first grade and will shape kids from there on up. Based on your social class will decide how the teacher treats you which will determine how you learn and if you become better prepared in school and life. I will than relate this back to the NSCS and how its not so much based on race but of on the environment and the social classes that the groups located in and how the kids were raised.
This is just a tool to get my mind thinking about how different classes view education and the idea of reaching the American Dream. How lower class find education even more important as a tool to get up from the bottom to middle class. They see it as the only way to be able to better there life and by doing this and becoming a member of this group it allows them scholarships and even more chances to better there education and reach that american dream.

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