Wednesday, March 7, 2012

SO What, Who Cares

Chapter 7 They Say I Say.
The main aspect of this chapter is about answering the question who cares, and so what, these are the main things that needs to be answered so you don't leave your audience lost and unsure of what was just read. You want your reader to feel connected to what your trying to say. By naming researcher your providing a connection to the bigger overall question and it provides more reliability to what is being said. Its nice to bring up who would challenge an idea or who would support an idea to show why and how it is related. The so what aspect relates to making your idea relate to a topic that people already find important that way it relates more to someone and gives them a reason to believe in it. These are all ways on how to make people interested in what you write about.  How this relates to what we have been talking about in communities is we need to relate it in are papers in the aspect of who cares about the problems in the communities who does it effect and how would we make people believe what were trying to say. Now the so what involves us explaining what the meaning of this paper about communities does for use and why its so important that we take time to talk about it and inform people.

I read an article from New York times about Mr. Kony and its hard to say where it states the who cares. i don't believe it does because it doesn't make any reference to village people, psychologist or any person or group of people, t just say what the president said, or what some journalist said, and that might county but i don't believe it shows me who cares. topics/people/k/joseph_kony/index.html

Next article
In another New York TImes article, this time about immigration, I found only one part where there was an particular person backed up the evidence and that was a legal expert, it wasn't even a whole group. unless it counts when say the Obama administration is backing up the steps and work, that could be a group that cares. So i feel this one did a little better job in showing me the idea of showing the who cares part and the effect it has on how i read the article in a more in depth and believing way.

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