Monday, January 30, 2012

A Marriage of Unequals.

Chapter 3 Class Matters
   After reading this chapter I feel more positive about being able to create bonds with different classes, that as long as you know that there is a difference in your classes and the amount of money you make and the education you have than you should be able to handle the difficulties. Each situation and person will be different, this chapter happens to deal with a luck couple who was able to handle the difference in how the were raised and lived life. The women came from a rich family and lots of money, while the man came from a poorer family, couldn't hold a job and didn't have a very good education. Though these two new they had very different lives the man was okay with the women having more power and money. She was very generous with her money pay his bills and putting him through some school. Over all they figured out how to live life together, they went to a concealing group to talk to other people about it, they viewed that helped a little. All in all the kids new there was a difference in the way they were each brought up but they were ok with t and handled it right.
I would say this chapter appeals mostly to my pathos which are my emotions because it relates to how people work together and how this rich women is able to give to people who are more needy she is and this man is able to be in relationship with a women who is more powerful than him with out feeling less of a man or let it rune there relationship. Its shows that class shouldn't be as big as a threat as people make it, it all depends on the people and if they can handle the changes and concepts it brings.
How and why money can complicate relationships, is an important thing to understand. This chapter mentions how the man doesn't want to sound like a gold digger, and how his kids were raised differently, and how he was nervous when the family met, how they would act towards each other. These are all important parts in why money can complicate things,  but if you know how to work through them and not let the families meeting bug you, or how the other person kids were raised, and your okay with sharing the rich persons money then everything will work out.
I found it most interesting as i was reading how easily they seem to make it work out, and how the women was so giving with her money and how the man was okay with taking it. Most men i know wouldn't be able to take money from the women with out feeling like less of a man, and defiantly not admit the women had the power in the house. The was very up to date with the times but not very realistic sounding, I still believe there would be more challenges.

Would most guys be that excepting of the women having all the power and money in the house hold?

If every relationship between mixed classes worked that good, it would make sense to mix classes more often?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Life at the top in America

Chapter 2
This chapter is about how the different class relate to the type of health care the people receive. Everyone knows that money relates to what people can afford in life so what would make health care any different. The chapter talks about three different people belonging to different  classes upper middle, middle class and the working class and how there lives were changed differently the day they each had an heart attack. It talked about how if you have money and education you are less likely to die from disease or heart attack then someone with less money and education. They also state that the gap is increasing between these classes instead of decreasing.  With out going into to much detail about the chapter the upper middle class man received top of the line treatment form one of the best hospitals and was fine within two days. The middle class man, picked a crappy hospital that couldn't offer him what he needed, so a few days later he was transferred to a different hospital. He doing okay but not as well as the richer man due to not getting all the surgeries he needed. Now the lower class woman spent two weeks in the hospital after her heart attack and received minimal treatment no surgery and more problems arose after the heart attack. This just shows how classes affect the kinda health treatment people receive.
     Its sad to think that wealth determine the types of treatment people receive even in life and death situations. People of the lower class don't have the connections to the proper facilities and doctors to help push them through the system, also they don't have they money to afford the cost of the hospital bills. Its sad that when someone sick they have to think about being able to afford the ambulance bill rather than just calling 911. Class place a huge roll in everything we do in this world and the more education you have the more money so the better off you are.
    When reading this I feel sorry for the people in the lower class the tone of the chapter is a informative but sad tone that sounds like the author feels sorry for what he is writing. He is trying to reach out to the public and inform them of what is going on in the world and that class really does matter.

1. How can we fix this class separation to stop growing, and make it fare for the rich and the poor?
2. If we make it fair for the poor, how do we not take advantage of the rich?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Shadowy Lines that Still Divide

    The assignment was to read chapter 1 in are new book Class Matters which deals with different social, economic and political classes. This chapter talked about how the rules of Advancement have changed and its either harder or easier for people to move up the rungs of the ladder. What I got out of the reading was that classes have split from the original three into multiple smaller groups that are more blurred and harder to identify. From reading this chapter it's hard to get a clear understanding of what people views are some believe that its still possible to move up the social later at that most of them have moved up from the class they were born in yet lots still believe that its unobtainable. That even with lots of hard work and dedication there is still a barrier standing in there way.
        Some may wonder who have read the first chapter why they start out listing the way the classes you to be in American then move into talk about how blurred and distorted they have become. I think its a good way to start it allows us to see how the country used to be divided in terms of class ranking and then it talks about how we are trying to shift into a new direction which many not be working in the best possible way but its allowing people to feel like there reaching there goals even if there not securely there.
    In connecting this to what we have been talking about with the American Dream and what it means to are society or the individual i would say what part of the ladder you are on would have a huge impact on your goals and dreams. If your someone who believes that depending on what class, religion, lifestyle, culture and so much more defines your ability to reach your American dream than if your in the lower section of the ladder who knows if you will ever be able to get to the top of the ladder. Its about believing in what this country has to offer you as an individual not the class you are a part of. If your American Dream is to become famous than you just got to have the skills and the right contacts it don't matter if your poor or not, or if you want to be a college graduate work your but of for good grades and get a part time job in high school to help pay the loans. There always a way to make your dream come true just have to work harder the lower you are on the ladder cause there more steps to take. But the Dream will taste that much better.
   The inequality plays a huge role in how American view there lives, being born in he elite in america is a privileges most don't ever get to experience, yet being born poor is a disadvantage unlike anything in Europe and Asia. ( Class Matters 14)This show how unequal are country is right now and that something need to be done to close the gap that continues to increase.
    When i was reading this all i could picture was rich people sitting in the house or on the boats while poor kids play out side in the dirt and mud while there parents work double shift the factory or fields. How even tho they have little chance they work there but off to try to do better for there kids. All i know is that we need to find away to fix the system, it to much in the past for your new way of fast past life. We want everything when we want it and fast. We need to be able to mobile and active in life.

What would happen if we just allowed all immigrants to move to America and become legal that way they pay taxes and help out with other finical things?

How would society change if we didn't look at people based on class ranking or financial success?

Dose have the opportunities to become rich make people work harder in America?

Monday, January 23, 2012

The American Dream

Today in class we talked about the American Dream some more and how right now our country is partaking in the occupy movement as a way to stand up for what they believe this county stands for and what needs to be changed to get us back on track. After reading Inequality and the American Dream it got me think just how bad some people might have it and how our government should be doing more to help out. To answer the questions.
2. I think when writing its important to get both ideas or points across at the begging of the piece it allows the readers to know what there getting into and what going to be discussed later on. By Talking about what good things America offers us it let the people know that the economist weren't just pointing out all the negative effect and remembered what good things our County has to offer. Then it jumped into the parts that are county are failing in right know and leaving us hurt.
4. In this book there stating that our society not messed up if it has three parts
      1. Society as a whole is getting richer.
      2. There is a safety net for the very poor.
     3. Everybody regardless of race, creed, sex has an opportunity to clim up the system
I disagree with this, yes these three things are very important, and my people come to American because it gives them a start to living a better life, but it doesn't make our county an less corrupt.  One of are biggest problems is how the rich say rich and the poor stay poor when there both working equally hard and equally important jobs, yet rich are continuing to make money and send there kids to college while the poor is loosing the jobs, they homes and cant afford to send this kids to school, just like they couldn't in any other county. How is it fair that because someone is born rich they get a better opportunity in life to be successful because of what there patents can offer them, vers a poor kid who's family worked 60 hour weeks lives in a bad neighborhood is just as smart as the white kid has very limited opportunities to every become rich and if he does he is one out of a hundred. Yes those three things are important but there not all that matters to make out county better. There more to the American Dream than just those.

Know for my own questions:
1.In what way could be make the welfare system a more fair and useful tool for people who really need it to live the dream vers people who are just to lazy to try and use the system in a selfish way?
2. What are better ways to fix they system then to take money from education? Are there other places that people would be whiling to give it up?
3.How can we turn being part of the middle class back into a good thing instead of always being cheated out of everything? They pay the most taxes, they pay highest tuitions in school and they work the strangest jobs.?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Today is a new day full of excitement and adventure and here in America we can do anything we put are minds too. Its call the American Dream and that is why so many people move to America in time of need and suffering in there home lands. Part of the American Dream is risking every thing to become free and reach your highest goal. I know that people all over the world struggle to come here and be happy with the options to make there own choice and not be afraid to live. Here in America we have many opportunities to be successful, we have a free public education system for children, we have the option to go to college and become anything we want to be in life. The government offers many financial aid programs that allow families to be successful in life so they don't fall to much under the poverty line. These are just some of the many great opportunities the government offers to help people reach the American Dream. Know my American Dream is to be able to live a life of happiness which to me means have a family who loves me, food on my table at night a nice house to live in and a job i love going to every morning. I share this Dream with many others who come here just to experience a better life.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

About Me

What is there to say about me, I love to be out side in the mountains with trees and waterfalls. every summer me and my dad go on a hike up a waterfall and swim in the streams. I also like to spend my time playing sports with friends. Volleyball and basketball are my favorite i was even on the schools intramural basketball team here. As for my social life i love being with fiends and family going away to school was one of the hardest things i have done i love going home and seeing my family whenever i can. When i am not with friends and family i am study for school or writing papers, i may not be the smartest student but i am the hardest worker and my straight A's prove it. I am excited to see what this new semester brings in the way of challenges and excitement. As an addition in to this.. For my major i am a criminology major. I am studying to be a forensic profiler for the FBI one day. Well at least thats my dream job i will probably start out in the police department whereever i choose to live and work doing CSI work or being a detective.